Jon Trickett A strong Yorkshire voice for Hemsworth constituency
This week is #heartunions week when we take the chance to thank trade unions and union volunteers for all their hard-work in fighting for better conditions for everyone in the workplace.
We can never forget that the working rights we enjoy were gained through the efforts and struggles of our trade union movement; two day weekends, paid holidays, 8 hour working days, and the minimum wage. We are all better off because of the determination of these proud organisations.
This continues today -; unions are fighting against modern workplace issues like bogus self-employment, where workers are unfairly denied rights. They fight against rogue bosses, firms that pay below minimum wage and stand up for individuals’ rights at work.
Now, as this Tory Government continues to attack trade union rights, we must continue to support our unions and raise awareness of their relentless efforts to protect our working rights.
If you’re not a member of a union, do join one. They’re just as needed today as they were when they were founded.